Does textured wallpaper hide imperfections?

Simply put, yes. Wallpaper can be used to help hide certain inconsistencies on walls. Especially with today's trends that actually make it an effective design tool to breathe new life into lightly damaged walls.


Wallpaper has seen off and on popularity since the 18th century. Since then, patterns and designs have changed, gone out of style, and come back with a vengeance. A decade ago, wallpaper was associated with older homes in yellowing floral designs. However, today it’s become a favourite among homeowners, interior designers, and even renters since the introduction of peel-and-stick wallpaper.

Its popularity today stems from its unique patterns and colors and its ease to explore and purchase a vast array of options through online shopping. Wallpaper is being applied to make bold statements in homes, and that's why trends in wallpaper today actually make it perfect for covering those pesky imperfections. Let's talk about those trends that can save your walls!

What is the best wallpaper to cover bad walls?

When you have cracked, dented, or moderately imperfect walls, certain wallpapers will allow you to hide these issues.

Imperfections aren't going to be easily covered with solid-colored wallpaper. Any bump or groove will be noticeable, just as if you painted over a crack in the wall. Wallpaper with texture and three-dimensional patterns are going to be the best option to hide those small imperfections.

Bold Designs


Ayatrio Bright, bold, adventurous designs are popular in small proportions in interior design. When creating accent walls or decorating the upper half of a wall with wainscoting or a chair rail (usually in a bathroom or small office) these dramatic pictured patterns are gorgeous. They are also just the thing to hide smaller imperfections.

With a louder design, there tends to be a lot of contrast and depth that works to cover up any bumps or dents. Chances are you will be able to see them but only at the exact right angle and in the right lighting.



If the wild designs aren't your style, larger and repetitive patterns can have the same effect. These work better when you don't have a lot to cover, like a textured wall. Instead, use them for smaller imperfections like small holes and cracks, and use darker patterns if you want to camouflage them even better.

Paintable Texture


Textured and paintable wallpaper is becoming more popular with interior designers for its ability to look less like wallpaper and more like a wall. It does not require removal when you need a change.

This wallpaper is thicker and made of vinyl. Once applied, it can be painted any way you want. And when you're ready for a new color, you simply paint over it as you would with a non-papered wall.

3D Patterns


Wallpapers with embossed or three-dimensional patterns are going to do well in camouflaging imperfect walls. Raised designs can hide bumps and grooves. The pattern also tends to call for thicker paper, so it will hide small cracks as well.

It's important to remember that although wallpaper is capable of disguising problems in your walls, it cannot fix them. So if you are dealing with larger issues like widening wall fissures or water damage that has not been repaired, wallpaper is not a cure-all. We recommend contacting an experienced contractor to ensure your walls are safely repaired.


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