Does textured wallpaper hide imperfections?
Simply put, yes. Wallpaper can be used to help hide certain inconsistencies on walls. Especially with today's trends that actually make it an effective design tool to breathe new life into lightly damaged walls. Wallpaper has seen off and on popularity since the 18th century. Since then, patterns and designs have changed, gone out of style, and come back with a vengeance. A decade ago, wallpaper was associated with older homes in yellowing floral designs. However, today it’s become a favourite among homeowners, interior designers, and even renters since the introduction of peel-and-stick wallpaper. Its popularity today stems from its unique patterns and colors and its ease to explore and purchase a vast array of options through online shopping. Wallpaper is being applied to make bold statements in homes, and that's why trends in wallpaper today actually make it perfect for covering those pesky imperfections. Let's talk about those trends that can save your walls! What is th...